$faa|1-"Boy BandS" Are SHITE! BY DAVE DIAMOND OF THE INVADERS $ffa You know the kind, Take That, Boyzone, Let Loose etc all the same drabby gimmick, it seems as if today all you need to do to make a hit is to rip off a old song, ruin it and have a "good" body with about 3 other members. Now before the girls start moaning (if there are any girls reading) then I would like to say that i`m not being cruel because i haven`t got a killer bod it`s because that these groups set a bad example to kids and groupies, when they go out on the pull they would want to find "great" guys like them and leave all us sad gits behind,you`re not going to get the perfect man you know!! East 17 have to be the most ugly bastards i`ve ever seen,so why are they so popular? their music isn`t all that good neither is take thats or the trend setters who started this craze all off new kids on the block. It seems image is everything and i think that should change,music is terrible today and sets bad examples for the young. $fff What do you think? write in NOW!!!! end